
Found 8 results
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W. Kammerer, Grenfell, P., Hyest, L., Serra, P., Tomio, H., Belsten, N., Lindsay, C., Cierny, O., Cahoy, K., Clark, M., Coogan, D., Conklin, J., Mayer, D., Stupl, J., and Hanson, J., CLICK mission flight terminal optomechanical integration and testing, in International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 2022, 2023.
W. Kammerer, Grenfell, P., Harburg, J., Belsten, N., Tomio, H., Serra, P., Cahoy, K., Brothers, T., Person, M., Clark, M., Coogan, D., Conklin, J., Mayer, D., Stupl, J., and Hanson, J., CLICK-A: Optical Communication Experiments From a CubeSat Downlink Terminal, in 37th Annual Small Satellite Conference, 2023.
V. Felt, Kacker, S., Kusters, J., Pendergrast, J., and Cahoy, K., Fast Ocean Front Detection Using Deep Learning Edge Detection Models, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2023.
P. J. Erickson, Lind, F. D., Knapp, M., Volz, R., Swoboda, J., Weatherwax, A. T., LaBelle, J. W., Robey, F., Fenn, A. J., Perry, B., Silver, M., Masterson, R., Cahoy, K., Belsten, N., Payne, C., Ammons, K., and Malphrus, B., LF/HF Interferometry in Low Earth Orbit Using Electromagnetic Vector Sensors: The AERO-VISTA Mission, in 2023 United States National Committee of URSI National Radio Science Meeting (USNC-URSI NRSM), 2023.
D. A. Goldman, Serra, P., Kacker, S., Benney, L., Vresilovic, D., Spector, S. J., Cahoy, K., and Wachs, J. S., MOEMS-based Lens-Assisted Beam Steering for Free-Space Optical Communications, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2023.
P. Serra, Tomio, H., Belsten, N., Kammerer, W., Grenfell, P., Clark, M., Coogan, D., Conroy, J., Mayer, D., Stupl, J., Hanson, J., Hyest, L., Conklin, J., and Cahoy, K., Optical ranging and time transfer calibration on the CubeSat Laser Infrared CrosslinK mission, in International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 2022, 2023.
H. Tomio, Kammerer, W., Grenfell, P., Cierny, O., Garcia, M., Lindsay, C., Belsten, N., Serra, P., Cahoy, K., Clark, M., Coogan, D., Conklin, J., Mayer, D., Stupl, J., and Hanson, J., Transmitter and fine pointing system development and testing for the CubeSat Laser Infrared CrosslinK (CLICK) B/C mission, in International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 2022, 2023.